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Run the Project

Flutter provider quite an extensive guide on installation for different platforms: Flutter Installation Guide. Choose your development environment and target device to get started.

Here is a quick overview of the steps to run the project:

  1. Make sure you are working with a system with a minimum of 8GB RAM, 4 core CPU, and enough free disk space. This is to ensure enough resources and speed when running the project locally.
  2. You need to install Git for cloning the project and running some flutter commands. Here is the guide in case you need it: Install Git
  3. Android Studio for Windows and XCode for Mac is necessary to debug and compile code. CocoaPods are additionally required for iOS.
  4. Download Flutter SDK and add it to the PATH. For Mac, CocoaPods is also required in the PATH.
  5. Download the device emulators for Android/iOS to run the code locally.
  6. Download your favorite IDE: VSCode or Cursor or Android Studio. I encourage you to try Cursor IDE.

Verify Installation

Whether you followed Windows/Mac setup, run flutter doctor to verify that flutter is set up correctly. Don’t worry - everything may not be checked for you. It depends on the development environment you have chosen.

Flutter Doctor

Start with Flutter Dev Kit

  1. Go to the directory where you want to place your project.

    Terminal window
    git clone
    cd flutter-starter-kit
  2. To download all project dependencies listed in pubspec.yaml, run this:

    Terminal window
    flutter pub get

    Notice it will generate build/ folder in the project root directory

  3. Select a device from the bottom-right corner of your VSCode editor.

    Flutter Devices
  4. Add environment variables in assets/.env file.

    MERCHANT_NAME="Your Merchant Name"

    If you skip this step, you will see an error like this:

    Launching lib/main.dart on Chrome in debug mode...
    Error detected in pubspec.yaml:
    No file or variants found for asset: assets/.env.
    Failed to compile application.
    Exited (1).
  5. Go to lib/main.dart, you will see a debug and run button on the top-right corner of the IDE. It performs the build, installs, and runs the application on the selected device.

    Run button on top-right

    Run button on top-right

    Or you can run using the command:

    Terminal window
    flutter run

    Note: This may take few minutes to build and run for the first time.

    Login ScreenLogin Screen

Congratulations! 🥳 You have successfully run the project!

Additional Step (Android)

If you try to login with Google provider on Android device, you will see an error. This is because Google sign-in require you to provide the SHA-1 of your signing certificate so we can create an OAuth2 client and API key for your app.

To create a SHA-1 key, you can use the following command:

Terminal window
# Mac/Linux
keytool -list -v \
-alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore
# Windows
keytool -list -v \
-alias androiddebugkey -keystore %USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore

You will see Certificate fingerprints, select the one that starts with SHA1:. Copy the SHA-1 key. Go to your Firebase console -> Project Settings -> Your apps -> Android -> SHA certificate fingerprints -> Add fingerprint -> Paste the SHA-1 key -> Add.


More information on this: Google Developers - Client Authentication

The project is linked to my Firebase, Stripe and resend account. Now we will make changes step-by-step to integrate with your own accounts.