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Release steps

  • Update app name and bundleID
  • Update app icon
  • Update splash screen
  • Follow the release steps for Android and iOS

In Android, app name is set in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

<manifest xmlns:android="">

In iOS, app name is set in ios/Runner/Info.plist


Rename app name and bundleID

Bundle ID is unique to the application on the App Store. Easiest way to update the default bundleID is to use rename tool.

  • Add rename to pubspec.yaml
    rename: latest_version
  • Run flutter pub get to install the package.
  • Run flutter pub global activate rename to activate the package globally.
  • Check the current AppName and Bundle ID
    rename getAppName --targets ios,android
    rename getBundleId --targets ios,android
  • Run rename setAppName --targets ios,android --value "YourAppName". For iOS, this will update the CFBundleName in Info.plist. For Android, this will update the android:label in AndroidManifest.xml.
  • Run rename setBundleId --targets ios,android --value "com.yourorgname.yourappname". For iOS, this will update the PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER. For Android, it will update the applicationId in app’s build.gradle.

Change app icon

flutter_launcher_icons is tool to set launcher icons for Android and iOS. Added this code to pubspec.yaml

flutter_launcher_icons: latest_version
image_path: assets/images/my_logo.png
android: launcher_icon
ios: true
min_sdk_android: 21

Run the command flutter pub get to install the package.

Run the command flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons to generate icons for Android and iOS.

Change splash screen

Splash screen is a screen that is displayed when the app is loading. flutter_native_splash is a plugin to generate a splash screen for Android and iOS. Added this code to pubspec.yaml

flutter_native_splash: latest_version

Run the command flutter pub get to install the package.

Added the file flutter_native_splash.yaml to the root directory:

color: "#e4e4e4"
image: assets/images/my_logo.png
color: "#e4e4e4"
image: assets/images/my_logo.png

More options are available in the flutter_native_splash documentation.

Release steps

Android - Google Play Store
iOS - App Store

Apple app review guidelines: It will be useful when submitting the app to Apple for review.