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Expandable Tile

The ExpandableTextTile widget displays a tile that can expand and collapse to show or hide additional text. It includes a title, an optional icon, and a toggle to show more or less text.




  • Expandable and Collapsible Text: The widget allows users to expand and collapse the text by clicking “show more” or “show less”. It is styled with a blue color to indicate that it is clickable.
  • Customizable Icon: An optional icon can be displayed next to the text.
  • Automatic Text Overflow Handling: The widget automatically handles text overflow and displays an ellipsis if the text exceeds the maximum lines when collapsed. This is achieved using StatefulBuilder
  • Tile Padding: The tile padding is set to EdgeInsets.only(left: 0, right: 15) by default.
  • Control Affinity: The control affinity is set to ListTileControlAffinity.trailing by default.
  • Initial Expansion State: The tile is initially collapsed (initiallyExpanded: false).


Import ExpandableTextTile in any page to display a tile with expandable text. It takes the following parameters:

  • title: A string representing the title of the tile.
  • text: A string representing the text to display within the tile.
  • icon: (Optional) An IconData to display an icon next to the text. The default icon is Icons.info_outline.
class ExpansionTileDemoPage extends StatelessWidget {
const ExpansionTileDemoPage({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Expansion Tile'),
actions: <Widget>[
icon: const Icon(Icons.brightness_4),
onPressed: () {<ThemeProvider>().toggleTheme();
body: const Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
child: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
children: [
title: 'Long text Tile',
text: 'This is a very long text that is meant to demonstrate the expansion tile functionality. '
'The text should be long enough to exceed the default maximum lines and trigger the expansion '
'feature of the tile. This is useful for displaying detailed information that the user can '
'choose to expand or collapse as needed. The text continues to ensure that it is sufficiently '
'long to test the behavior of the expansion tile widget in a real-world scenario.'
title: 'Very Long text Tile',
text: 'This is a very long text that is meant to demonstrate the expansion tile functionality. '
'The text should be long enough to exceed the default maximum lines and trigger the expansion '
'feature of the tile. This is useful for displaying detailed information that the user can '
'choose to expand or collapse as needed. The text continues to ensure that it is sufficiently '
'long to test the behavior of the expansion tile widget in a real-world scenario.'
'This is a very long text that is meant to demonstrate the expansion tile functionality. '
'The text should be long enough to exceed the default maximum lines and trigger the expansion '
'feature of the tile. This is useful for displaying detailed information that the user can '
'choose to expand or collapse as needed. The text continues to ensure that it is sufficiently '
'long to test the behavior of the expansion tile widget in a real-world scenario.',
icon: Icons.access_alarm,
title: 'Short text Tile',
text: 'This is a short text',