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Product Rating

Import StarRating in any of the pages. It takes following parameters:

  • rating: A double value representing the rating.
  • starSize: (Optional) A double value to set the size of the stars.
  • numberOfRatings: (Optional) An integer value representing the number of ratings.


Star RatingStar Rating


  • Full, Half, and Empty Stars: The widget displays full stars, half stars, and empty stars based on the provided rating.
  • Optional Number of Ratings: If numberOfRatings is provided, it displays the number of ratings instead of the rating value.
  • Customizable Star Size: The size of the stars can be customized using the starSize parameter.


  • Star Size: The starSize parameter allows you to set the size of the stars.
  • Rating Display: If numberOfRatings is provided, it displays the number of ratings. Otherwise, it displays the rating value formatted to one decimal place.
  • Theme Support: The text color for the number of ratings adapts to the current theme, using a light blue color in dark mode and blue in light mode.


  • Ensure that the rating value is between 0 and 5 for accurate display.
  • The widget uses the Provider package to access the current theme. Make sure to set up the ThemeProvider correctly in your application.


import '../components/star_rating.dart';
class StarRatingDemo extends StatelessWidget {
const StarRatingDemo({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
children: [
StarRating(rating: 1, starSize: 40),
StarRating(rating: 2, starSize: 40),
StarRating(rating: 3, starSize: 40, numberOfRatings: 86),
StarRating(rating: 4.5, starSize: 40),
StarRating(rating: 5, starSize: 40, numberOfRatings: 100),